Once a rock band’s rehearsal space, Siren Design was charged with the challenge of converting an under-utilised warehouse above an existing substation, into a high performance workplace for Beon Energy Solutions and their parent company CitiPower Powercor.
The theme of power and energy was used to define the pulse of the design with a rhythmical beat of Melbourne’s CBD laneways, propelled through the industrial features of the building. A series of murals by local artist Daniel Wenn weave the history of the building as a substation and Beon’s interest in renewable energy solutions into one narrative and create a connection to Melbourne’s street art scene. Bright colours and unique characters within the artwork welcome visitors and staff from the laneway roller door up to the office breakout.

CitiPower Beon Energy, Melbourne by Siren Design

CitiPower Beon Energy, Melbourne by Siren Design

CitiPower Beon Energy, Melbourne by Siren Design